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Cafe / bar space include double height dining area, kitchen and toilets.

Modular studio spaces including main rooms,

control rooms and air lock spaces.

Practise Rooms

Record shop, associated office spaces and storage.

Vertical circulation cores considered.

Re-evaluation of site massing across site gradients. 

Due to the inclusive ethos of the centre, accessibility is considered to be a key issue / creative driver.

Conceptual massing model exploring the use of ramps as a primary circulation space within the atrium. Homogenisation of circulation to cater for all abilities drives inclusive design ethos.

Sectional diagram illustrating how ramped circulation space can link all key programmatic elements. 

Potential issues: Part M of the Building Regulations states that any ramp of more than 10m must be limited to a gradient of 1.20. This makes the original concept model potentially unfeasible.



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