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Consideration was taken to build a proposal that responded to a range of findings from across the various practices of MSAP, allowing for reflection upon a more precise outline of developmental opportunities in Stretford.


By cross-referencing the event analysis, trends and associations were identified between the 6 studies; the synthesis of distinct yet complimentary amenities into a cohesive proposal aims to address the desires of a broad demographic to improve Stretford town centre. 


Quantitate Data

Qualitative Data


Analysis of statistical data allows for key areas of development to be determined.

Analysis of individual (subjective) responses provide creative drivers through which to inform and realise proposal.

A bit of cross-pollination...


Conclusions: Stretford is lacking in spaces that support leisure activities and social exchanges. 


Only 17% of Stretford residents would rather stay in Stretford for leisure activities. [click for souce]

Restaurants, cafes and bars are the most demanded consumer space in Stretford, prioritised as needing development over other amenities by 27% of residents surveyed from an even spread of age groups. [click for source]

Amenity mapping exercises reveal cross-generational support for the reopening and reuse of the Essoldo cinema with interest towards a theatre space for performing arts and community events. [click for souce]

Of all age groups, under 20s are the least likely to spend their free time in Stretford, with 66% travelling beyond Stretford due to a lack of entertainment facilities. [click for souce]

Conclusions: the creation of a second focal point of activity in Stretford will provide social and economic enrichment, drawing those who might have previously left Stretford for leisure activities back to the centre. 

"All activity / public space is focused around the mall - when the mall shuts, there is no activity in the centre of Stretford" [click for source]


Development opportunities - potential to create an alternative focal point to the Mall; programme of evening / night-time economies and leisure amenities will support a transition in activity once the Mall is shut.

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